Thursday, October 1, 2015

Meniere's disease causes what?

Nobody knows what causes Meniere's disease, an unpredictable and debilitating condition that causes vertigo, hearing loss and tinnitus.

Meniere's disease is an inner ear condition that causes dizziness or vertigo, hearing loss and ringing in the ears (tinnitus). The disease usually affects one ear, but can occur in both.

Prosper Ménière, a French doctor, he was the first to describe the disease. The exact cause of the disease is unknown, but is believed to excess fluid in the canals of the inner ear that controls balance and hearing can be a factor.

This fluid, called endolymph, sends signals to the brain on the hearing and balance. Too much fluid can cause swelling in the inner ear. It is believed that this swelling distorts the information sent to the brain, causing the symptoms of the disease Ménière1-3.

Meniere's disease usually involves a combination of these symptoms:

    Dizziness or vertigo, an extreme dizziness that prevents the sufferer standing or sitting, often with nausea and vomiting
    Ringing or noise in the ear (tinnitus)
    Hearing Loss
    Feeling pressure in the ear

Symptoms often unpredictable, may adversely affect the quality of life.4. Sometimes several days may be needed to recover from a severe attack of vertigo.

Meniere's disease can be difficult to diagnose as other conditions sometimes cause similar symptoms. To find out if you have Meniere's disease, your doctor will review your medical history and perform a physical exam and some tests of hearing and balance. You may make additional tests to rule out that the symptoms are due to other causes.